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Managing Attorney, Regulatory & Digital Responsibility Northern Europe, Dun & Bradstreet (R-16814)

24 september 2024

Why We Work at Dun & Bradstreet

Dun & Bradstreet unlocks the power of data through analytics, creating a better tomorrow. Each day, we are finding new ways to strengthen our award-winning culture and accelerate creativity, innovation and growth. Our 6,500+ global team members are passionate about what we do. We are dedicated to helping clients turn uncertainty into confidence, risk into opportunity and potential into prosperity. Bold and diverse thinkers are always welcome. Come join us! Learn more at

The Managing Attorney, Regulatory & Digital Responsibility (Northern Europe) is a key member of Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) Global Compliance & Ethics (GCE) leadership and reports to the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer. The Managing Attorney will serve as the lead regulatory attorney for D&B operations across the Northern Europe subregion and will manage reports and coordinate other regulatory legal and compliance team members in the region. The Managing Attorney will build and continually enhance bridges between global and regional teams, local operations, and the corporate legal affairs team for the region.

Key Responsibilities

In this role you will serves as the lead regulatory attorney for D&B in Northern Europe. You will work in close coordination with other Europe-based regulatory legal and data and product legal colleagues, D&B’s Global Compliance & Ethics centers of excellence (COEs), and with corporate legal affairs counsel representing specific European markets.

You will be responsible for providing advice and counsel on the application and operationalization of a broad range of laws and regulations related to: Constitutional law, in particular, freedom of expression, Credit information, Financial services, AML/KYC, and economic sanctions, Privacy and data protection, Digital operational resilience, Cybersecurity, Anti-bribery and anti-corruption, Competition, ESG and sustainability, Marketing and electronic communications, Artificial intelligence, digital platforms and services, Whistleblowing, and similar obligations applicable to D&B operations across Northern Europe.

This is a hybrid role – partly in the office in Solna, Sweden and partly work from home/travel. It is expected that work from the office is 3 days per week except when traveling.

You will also;

  • Coordinate compliance risk management for Northern Europe in partnership with International Operations and ensures timely escalation and updates to the Global Compliance & Ethics risk register.
  • Champion the GCE Program across the region and its role and mission in supporting sustainable growth with integrity at D&B.
  • Monitor regulatory enforcement trends, guidance, interpretation, and other leading indicators to inform the GCE program priorities and compliance risk management for Northern Europe and regularly updates Northern Europe business leadership, and entity boards as needed, on these topics.
  • Support the GCE COEs on development and implementation of global standards in the Northern Europe region.
  • Coordinate regional review and feedback on policies, procedures, and other standards, communications and training, oversight and monitoring, metrics and reporting, and other program elements.
  • Support the Litigation & Employment Legal team on regulatory and compliance matters in the Norther Europe region.
  • In coordination with the Group DPO - Europe and COEs, support the global D&B privacy, data, and digital responsibility program by serving as the digital responsibility leader for Northern Europe.
  • Coordinate D&B management and response on inquiries and communications from data protection and other regulators in the Northern Europe markets.
  • In coordination with the responsible local business team and GCE COEs, ensures that accurate records of processing are maintained for each of the D&B markets in Northern Europe, and leads the Northern Europe team on legal reviews for local products, data, systems, and processes.
  • In coordination with the GCE COEs, undertakes Legal, Compliance, Ethics and related reviews for activities in the region, and provides advice and counsel on impact assessments for activities in the Northern Europe markets.
  • Works closely with Product, Data, and Northern Europe Corporate Legal Affairs to ensure that customer-facing teams have adequate insights on data processing and handling details for all customer-facing solutions.
  • Provides expert guidance on data subject rights requests and data subject complaints for the Northern Europe markets.
  • In coordination with the Corporate Compliance COE, ISMS team, Global Security & Risk team, and Litigation & Employment Legal team, lead the Northern Europe regional team to evaluate data-related, system-related and compliance incidents in the for the Northern Europe markets.
  • Consistent with D&B Corporate policy and standards, coordinates with GCE leadership and the Group DPO - Europe on breach reporting determinations for the Northern Europe markets.
  • Supports the COEs on development and implementation of global standards.

You and your experience:

  • To be successful in this role we believe you have Law studies, Masters or Doctorate degree in Law.
  • Qualified to practice law in the jurisdiction in which the attorney is located.
  • Additional relevant certifications, such as CIPP/E or CIPM, preferred but not required.
  • Preferably at least 12 years of legal experience, preferably some in-house, with at least 5 years of experience in a combination one or more of the following areas: financial services regulation, AML, economic sanctions, and trade compliance, ESG, privacy, data protection, consumer protection, credit regulation, AI, digital marketing, and/or cybersecurity.
  • Customer-focused, commercial-oriented, and innovation mindset. Comfortable translating complex legal requirements into operational controls for business and technology teams.
  • Excellent judgment, risk evaluation and decision-making skills. You effectively communicate relevant impact to business owners.
  • Driven team-player motivated by bringing colleagues and stakeholders together to maximize successful outcomes. Prioritizes teamwork and team-based success. Appreciates, respects, and leverages diverse perspectives.
  • Leader experience
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both Swedish and English.
  • Prior experience with regulatory outreach and advocacy and participation in industry and trade groups.
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively manage complex projects and programs.
  • Demonstrated ability to regularly adjust and re-prioritize to meet multiple stakeholder and organizational needs as well as an ever-evolving regulatory landscape.
  • Passionate about data and data-driven. Comfortable with technology. Willingness to engage deeply with data, product, and technology teams on data and technology matters. Comfortable communicating with prospects, customers, and other constituents about data and compliance.
  • Experience with ethical decision-making, values-oriented compliance, and supporting a culture of compliance preferred.

About Dun & Bradstreet

Our European business is made up of over 2,500 experts working together across the Nordics & Baltics, UK, Ireland, and Central Europe, delivering data, analytics and insights to our clients. We are proud that 93% of the Fortune 500 trust us as their data partner.

Life at Dun & Bradstreet

We support each other, and we succeed by helping others succeed. Our teams bring a diverse range of experience and perspectives to their work, reflecting the diversity of our clients and the world around us. We want to inspire, encourage, recognize, and reward high performance. Our culture of learning strives to provide everyone with the coaching, feedback and support they need to thrive at work. We also support our team members to have a more personal impact, whether that is via company matched fundraising, or the volunteer days we are all given each year, to use to give something back to a cause close to our hearts. We believe that with the right people and the right data, anything is possible. If this sounds like you, come join our family!

Why Join Us?

Does this role sound like a great opportunity but you’re not sure about making a move? We are really proud of our company and culture and think we have some great things to offer. Some of our benefits in Sweden include:

· Two paid volunteer days to contribute to causes in your community

· A paid day every year to use for your health and wellness

· Instead of half days before public holidays, you will have 4 additional full days a year for you to use to celebrate what is meaningful to you

· Annual wellness/sport benefit

· Collective agreement, pension, insurance and parental pay allowance

· Access to free services providing support and counselling

· Flexible working arrangements and hybrid work arrangement for most roles

Whilst some roles do have certain requirements which are essential, we try to focus on hiring based on potential rather than CV as much as possible. If you are unsure you fully meet the requirements, we would still love to hear from you!

All Dun & Bradstreet job postings can be found at and Official communication from Dun & Bradstreet will come from an email address ending in

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Solna - SwedenLegal /Employee: Full Time /Hybrid

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